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Hi Dear FOOL, Wish you a Happy April Fool Day. Today is your day. :D


Today is the day to Propose a girl. If she accepts thats your LUCk otherwise just tell her its April Fool. :)


Today if anyone praises you for your beauty, personality, style or attitude, Just kick him. How dare he fool you before April 1st.


April Fool is the day upon which we are reminded of what we are on the other three hundred and sixty four days.


A day will come when the world will celebrate your name, your fame, your personality and your views. But April Fool comes once in a year and that your day. :)


Wants to remind you that everything is funny as long as it’s not happening to you. Please don’t make others fool on April Fool Day.


Just a friendly reminder Relationships are precious, do not hurt them by fooling and lying on first April / April Fool.


Hey you know which is the best day to propose a girl ….???…. Its APRIL 1ST …. If she accepts its your luck and otherwise just Say APRIL FOOL.


I don't always get asked out on a date. But when I do It's on April 1st ( ._.)


Relationships these days are a joke. It's like April 1st all year long ...


O! how this spring of love resembleth the uncertain glory of an April day. William Shakespeare. The Two Gentlemen of Verona


Maybe 21st of December is like April Fools Day for Mayans.


What if April fools day doesn't actually exist and its been the longest prank in history...


Me: I'm just gonna take a quick 10 minute nap… *Wakes up April 17 2069*

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