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They say life is too short. I just wonder who took the measurements


My life is a struggel I wanted to die and leave all my problems behind Didn't know I wz just being a big fool This Year there's going to be a big turnaround for me.......yaay :D


I've just signed a deal with the Discovery Channel. This February, my cat is going to attempt to eat me on live tv.


I wish I could just punch my exboyfriend inthe face. I'm sure i'd feel so much better.


I've been cheating on for 40yrs. Men just don't respect me at all because I'm nice, honesty,trustworthy, but I'm always getting dogged!


Sometimes you can't tell if you're just in a bad mood or everyone around you is being annoying.


Love is just a four letter word with so many meanings behind it. 0


I Have a Secret , I LOVE YOU. I just told you OMG its no more a secret. But you still don't know who you are , so its still secret.


When the devil's equation in life theory is giving you hard times just apply God's formula and u'll surely Get the solution


those days when I feel sick but I am not really sick just sad


You can play, just for the sake of playing but not to defeat us(your team).


When someone says, “You’ve changed,” it’s not always a bad thing. Sometimes it just means you stopped living your life their way.


I`m not addicted to alcohol. I`m just in an abusive relationship with it

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