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Who cares wether u now hate me... I will stay #MKHENZIE


A sincere friend conceals all your deformities, deceives and convince others that you are extremely perfect, the insincere will tell the truth of destruction, leave you open for others to glare and laugh.


ugly guys take their girls serious cuz they know there's a high chance they will stay single if they don't please them.


If you are brave to say GOOD BYE, life will reward you with a new HELLO


dora is a good show because kids will leerad spanush


Its only a tree that will hear that he will be killed and stand and wait... Never you be in the river and allow soap to get into your eyes..


Meth kills your brain and the love you expect from your family will diminish!


i need a friend that will always be there 4 me like sponge Bob,,;-)


You create lots of new ideas when you are in Chaos. Eventually, one will be a Transforming Idea, an idea that helps you make sense of the Foreign Element, or at least cope with it. Many ideas seem like Transforming Ideas when you have them, but it is very difficult to predict which ideas will work and which will not. Sometimes a Transforming Idea comes with an "Aha!" feeling. Sometimes a Transforming Idea will make you laugh. Usually, the only way to know whether you have a Transforming Idea is to try it and see what happens. The Transforming Idea gives you a new understanding of what to do. You begin to see a way out of the Chaos.


my mum says I will neva have as awesome kids as her parents did ...


my mum says I will neva have as awesome children as her parents did


cos when things r going wrong...u will fall across a nice thing when it comes round the corner


Live ur life without worrying 4 it is urs..otherwise u will spend ur whole life crying ovr and...over

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