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those days when I feel sick but I am not really sick just sad


many fat girls thik that they areb ugly but i want to say somthing for them the fat girls are the most beautiful girls in the world so don't be sad be happy the life is good be fat don't mean that our life is finish Message from a fat girl RBK :)


Happyness and sadness are the happiest moments of our life


Those days when I feel sick, but I'm not really sick, just sad.


Every time to happy no sad fase.happy fase is like every pepole


Walk a Day in my Shoes, Then and Only Then, can You Judge ME! I want to cry but i am scared to.I hide my tears is that safe..I am sad but no on knows..I am depressed but don't show it.. i don't want them to know what to do


I'm stronger because of my hard times, wiser because of my mistakes, and happier because of my sad experiences.


I just want to be loved, cuddled, touched, kissed, it's so sad.


Get over the pain, or you'll never be the same. Get over the sadness, or it'll last.


Thinks that make me sad: 1. Cute couples. 2. You not being here.


Sometimes it is not only the bad memories that makes you sad but also the best ones which you know will not happen for the second time.


Life is ironic. It takes sadness to know what happiness is, noise to appreciate silence & absence to value presence.


Friendship is the rainbow between hearts. Sharing 7 colors of feelings: love, sadness, happiness, truth, faith, secret, and respect.


So sad but I can no longer find tears to express it. This sadness is getting old.

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