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If your girlfriend is pretty and alot of guys want her, that's another reason to treat her right. At least you got what they can't have!


Never underestimate the power of your girlfriend. She has the ability to make anything your fault.


If he loves you while he has another girlfriend, then he will love another girl when you are his girlfriend.


Do I know you? Cause you look a lot like my next girlfriend.


Dear boys, I can make your girlfriend scream louder then you ever will. Sincerely, Spider.


My girlfriend told me that she was seeing another man. I told her to rub her eyes.


Having Wife is a part of living But having Girlfriend along with Wife is a art of living.


If your girlfriend was a video game she would be rated E for everyone..


The best time to look for a job is when you already have one. Men apply the same theory to looking for a girlfriend.


Apparently, the answer 'I know.' is not a good answer when your friend tells you how awesome his girlfriend is in bed.


A guy sitting with his girlfriend, drinking beer says, "I love you". Girl asks "Is it you or the beer talking?". Boy replies, "Its me. Talking to my beer."


I still miss my ex-girlfriend... but my aim is improving


Don't make the same typo I did in a text to my girlfriend: "Having a great time wish you were her."


It's time to take the next big step in my relationship by popping the question to my girlfriend ....will you get me a beer :) (<>..<>)

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