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Looks like someone had a big bowl of bitchflakes today.


It's quite scary really how horrible girls can be. Sometimes they're just so spiteful and we're all bitchy and hurt each other in the end.


*Browsing Facebook* *See's bitchy status* 78 COMMENTS! *Gets popcorn* This is gonna be good....


Guy: What's up bitchGirl: He he heyyyyy what's up ;)Nice guy: hello beautiful :) Girl: Hi


Monday is that bitchy girl that just needs to get laid already.


I dont need bitch to give a fuck I need weed to get stoned I dont need pussy to make wet I need pot with whom I can bake !!!


My wife just told me to take the salad cream & ketchup to bed with us tonight. Saucy bitch


If you like someone, and they don't like you back, i is just like bitch slapping someone, for no reason at all!


Its a bitch when you simply go into your closet to find something to wear, and you end up in Narnia! ;)


Now its time to Man up, Grow some balls, Rip my heart off my sleeve and be the worlds Biggest Mega Bitch!!! Being nice gets you nowhere!!!


I am NOT a Bitch, I AM the Bitch, and that's MISS BITCH to you, so say it with a smile. :)


i think of myself as an ugly bitch but when i was with you all of them thoughts went now we have broken up its all come back :( i wish we were together still !

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