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Our next-door neighbour listens to some really good music. Whether he wants to or not...


You never realize how offensive your music is until your parents are sitting in the passenger seat.


That annoying moment when you go on a website and it starts playing music and you can't find the pause button anywhere.


One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.


Music makes one feel so romatic, at least it always get on one’s nerves, which is the same thing nowadays.


Classical music is the kind we keep thinking will turn into a tune.


Rya is playing loud music to keep from hearing her own thoughts.


A good song is not based on how many people like it, but on how many memories and feelings you get. that’s the true beauty about music.


Blue is song, Yellow is music, Green is dance, Red is beauty, White is love & Pink is for joy. I wish you all these on Holi. HAPPY HOLI


Women listen music b’coz they are in love. Men listen music b’coz they want to fall in love.


I'm not sure how people get eaten by sharks...I mean how do you not hear the music?


If we all end up in prison one day for illegal music downloads, I can only hope that they divide us by music genres.


The real trouble with reality is that there’s no background music.

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