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Sometimes you can't tell if you're just in a bad mood or everyone around you is being annoying.


Why can't we give miss call to our missing things...


i miss u , u cant imagine how painful its widout u , u gave me pain , u broke my heart u let me to cry , u let me to feel me alone but still i love u . <3


If you lower your standards to being with a man that can't make his mind up you deserve to be a side line bitch.


can't wait to go back to my hometown.. i miss my family so much


To all my haters you only have one advantage over me...You can kiss my ass and I cant


If your girlfriend is pretty and alot of guys want her, that's another reason to treat her right. At least you got what they can't have!


You can't make somebody love you. You can only stalk them and hope for the best.


Never give up on someone that you can’t go a day without thinking about.


You cant blame them for walking away if you didn't do enough to make them stay.


That one person you can't hate no matter how hard you try.

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