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I've been cheating on for 40yrs. Men just don't respect me at all because I'm nice, honesty,trustworthy, but I'm always getting dogged!


Statuses for your facebook's wall. Amazing facebook status updates about love, life, friends and other facebook statuses and quotes to make your wall more interesting. Biggest facebook statuses collection is always new as we are updating our facebook statuses collection every day, so you can get new amazing facebook statuses all the time. Just select statuses category or enter keyword to find best statuses!


I think after a certain point you stop hoping to be happy ever again, but you can always hope and pray that someone can be happy and attain all the dreams she dreamed of.


When someone says, “You’ve changed,” it’s not always a bad thing. Sometimes it just means you stopped living your life their way.


When you are gone, I always have a back up guitar!<3


Friends are those who always help us in our bad times . . .aditto


i need a friend that will always be there 4 me like sponge Bob,,;-)


-Newton 3 scientific sex law. -1. A hole always attract a pole -2. Length of pole is equal to d depth of hole. -3. Up down motion releases a lotion which increase population without calculation.


Fake friends never help for examination hall, Real friends always show you everything!"


Are eye never met b our hearts were always linked ....


Some wonder why things happen, some figure out why things happen, and some wonder why things always happen to them.


''Concentrate on planning, people and passion and always life your dreams.'' - Mike Clare


Don't let him have the satisfaction of knowing you'll always be there waiting.

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