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How much can you hurt someone feeling, that is so honest to you


I think after a certain point you stop hoping to be happy ever again, but you can always hope and pray that someone can be happy and attain all the dreams she dreamed of.


“When life gives you lemons, squirt someone in the eye.”


When someone says, “You’ve changed,” it’s not always a bad thing. Sometimes it just means you stopped living your life their way.


I end up being more upset when someone asks me if I'm okay or ask why I'm upset.


I hate when someone tell u that u doing something wrong and really u doing somethin right. especially when u making more money then the money they are making I'm done and i good


Don`t cry because they left. Smile because they gave you an opportunity to find someone BETTER.


Not only does judging hurt someone, it makes you look like the bad one.


You shouldn't have to wonder if someone is keeping it real with you, that's something you should just know.


Never give up on someone that you can’t go a day without thinking about.


Don't waste your time falling for someone who won't fall back.

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