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''The thing you fear most has no power. Your fear of it is what has the power. Facing the truth really will set you free.'' - Oprah


That moment of joy when I see my food coming at a restaurant.


Dude i wasnt that drunk bro you went up to a ginger and started to play connect the dots on his face.


When you run from something, It only stays with you longer. If you fight something, it only makes you stronger.


Sometimes, things go from good to gone for no reason at all.


When someone's words and actions are not lining up, go with their actions, every time. Actions say what words won't.


Your smile is enough to make a dull day seem bright as sun.


Just focus on what’s important, capture the good times, develop from the negatives, and if things don’t turn out – take another shot.


Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. ~ Mandela


Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind being there for you. I just mind being the one you run to just because everyone else is busy.


Sometimes we just have to throw our hands up and scream.

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