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I just want you. That's all. All your flaws, mistakes, smiles, frowns, giggles, jokes, sarcasm, everything. I just want you.


Not because she is perfect, but because your combined flaws are arranged in a way that allowed two separate beings to hinge together.


If I were president, I'd make it a law all chicken nuggets must be in the shape of dinosaurs, vote for me.


Love is the supreme and unique law of human life, which everyone feels in the depth of one's soul. Tolstoy


''The people's good is the highest law.'' - Cicero


Accept and feel comfortable with your flaws, that way no one can ever use them against you.


You may look into your mirror and see flaws, but someone else looks at you, and only sees beauty.


It was something beyond love, such a gladness of having surpassed oneself, of having transcended the old existence. D. H. Lawrence


A man got out of bed, drove to his in-laws house and killed his father and mother in law while sleepwalking. Court declared him innocent


Without art the world could exist, but without love...never! Moreover, art causes more painful disappointments than love. Wladyslaw Reymont


When a guy can handle your flaws, love you on your moody days, and still want to kiss u even on your worst days. He is definitely worth it.


That time of year is approaching:scary lawn decorations, terrifying tv programs,people in costumes going door to door & it's election season


It is psychological law that whatever we desire to accomplish we must impress upon the subjective or subconscious mind. -Marden


Real girls ain't flawless and a flawless girl ain't real. - Alex Atrache


Brook's Law: Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later. - Frederick Brooks

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