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I text you because I want to have a conversation with you.. not to get one word answers..!!


Please don't judge on me by my ''Profile Pictures''; just because I don't have a personal digital/DSLR camera and a good photo-editing software. Nahnyei Konyak


No jokes left for chemistry because all the good ones argon


“I am thankful for all of those who said NO to me. Its because of them I’m doing it myself.” – Albert Einstein


You get in the biggest fights with the people you care about the most, because those are the relationships you’re willing to fight for.


Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind being there for you. I just mind being the one you run to just because everyone else is busy.


Just because they're single doesn't mean their heart isn't taken..


I'm stronger because of my hard times, wiser because of my mistakes, and happier because of my sad experiences.


Story of my life: I don’t know what to wear because I look ugly in everything.


Her boyfriend left her because she is too fat, So she decided to lose weight FAST. Here are before/after pictures (Last status)


Too many girls rush into relationships because of the fear of being single, then start losing their identity. Don't do that.


Relationships last long because two people made a choice. The decision to keep it, to fight for it, and to work hard for it.


Relationships fail because girls love too much and the boys love too many.


Mom, the only reason i got a bad grade is because the teacher hates me..


Just because u don't understand someone's relationship, doesn't mean its bad, if it works for them, stay out of it

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