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There is no longer a formal US government. This is not a drill, people. Only the strong survive from this point onward. Go out and punch the nearest person to declare your dominance. Loved ones are a weakness and water is power.


I’m not a perfect person, I make a lot of mistakes... but still, I love those people who stay with me after knowing how I really am.!


Govt. Shutdown Journal; Day One (Zero Hour): Normal people are still going about doing their daily drivel. Many have been furloughed for hours now! It appears, also, that the public water services are still running as I crimped one off at 4:45 this afternoon. Oh, how I'm running low on puffy Cheetos, and terribly anxious about trash pickup: it amazes me how much one chap can produce! More in the days that follow. I do hope the Wise Talking Heads will end this crisis soon. Until then...


There are 2 reasons why people can hurt you: 1.You really care about them, or 2.They don't really care about you


Its funny how you can do nice things for people all the time and they rarely notice. But you make one mistake and it's never forgotten.


You get in the biggest fights with the people you care about the most, because those are the relationships you’re willing to fight for.


There are 2 reasons why people can hurt you: 1.You really care about them, or 2.They don't really care about you.


''Concentrate on planning, people and passion and always life your dreams.'' - Mike Clare


Listen what people say to you, trust what your heart believes in.


It's good to be strong, but it sucks when people know you're strong & think that it makes it okay to hurt you.


Relationships last long because two people made a choice. The decision to keep it, to fight for it, and to work hard for it.


The best people you can have in your life are the ones that want to live in your future, not your past.


People who stay awake till late night are more intelligent than the people who go to bed early and rise early for the day.

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